Kits Neighbourhood House looks for Common Ground


On Saturday, November 27th from 2:00pm to 5:00pm Kitsilano Neighbourhood House is hosting a community dialogue titled Coming Together on Common Ground’ Building Community Across Cultures.

Kitsilano Neighbourhood House invites you to a community dialogue to discuss: What creates a newcomer-friendly community? What creates a sense of home for all? How can I participate in my community?

PLUS Celebrate the Official Launch of the ‘Newcomers Guide to the Westside’ – Get your FREE COPY of the guide, available in multiple languages!

This free event is open to the entire community and is being held at the Kitsilano Neighbourhood Hall at 2305 West 7th Avenue at Vine. Resources, language support & refreshments provided.

To register as a participant or volunteer please contact 604-736-3588 or visit

Last modified: April 11, 2019

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