named one of the Top 5 Placeblogs in Canada


The 2010 Canadian Weblog Awards‘ 49 jurors have handed in all of their scores for the 457 nominated weblogs across 37 categories and has been chosen as a top five finalist for the Placeblog category.

The Canadian Weblog Awards are intended to promote good weblogs of all genres from across Canada year round through regular interviews, articles, and the nomination, judging, and award process that culminates with the announcement of the top three weblogs in each category on January 1st.

1st, 2nd, and 3rd places in each category will be determined by jury over the month of December and will be announced on New Years Day.

In 2008, was named the 4th Best Local Blog in Canada, so we’re hoping to place Top 3 this year. Wish us luck.

Last modified: December 5, 2010

4 Responses to " named one of the Top 5 Placeblogs in Canada "

  1. Khunopie says:

    Lemme b da first to conglatulate u

  2. Pal says:

    You’ve got this category wrapped up!