Fine Art Lessons in Kitsilano


I was speaking with someone today about the artist Vermeer, and while we were talking, he mentioned to me that he couldn’t draw, but was well-practiced in stick figures.

Sound like you or someone you know?

As an art and drawing instructor, I encourage people to cultivate their artistic side and equip them with the skills and techniques to do so.  It is not necessary to have a specific goal or purpose in learning how to draw – it is enough to do it simply for the joy of it.

I am teaching a beginner’s drawing course at the Kitsilano Community Centre starting on January 11, 2011, on Tuesday nights from 6:30-9:30, and running for 8 weeks.  Students will learn how to draw what they see, using a classical approach and techniques used by the Masters.  Absolute beginners are welcome, as well as more experienced students looking to refresh their skills.  For more information and to register, visit  Space is limited and filling up quickly, so register while you can!

I also give private, at-home lessons and, living in Kits, I am always looking for more local students.  Private lessons make an excellent gift for someone who has everything they need, or as a treat to yourself! For more information, please visit my website at, or contact me at or 778-232-4611.

Last modified: December 9, 2010

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