A Closer Look and Taste at Abigail’s Party


Last year we asked Kits foodies what their favourite choice was for brunch and Abigail’s Party (1685 Yew Street)ran away with the votes and perhaps led to an increase in your wait time for a table during the brunch rush! Sorry about that. We decided to sit down and chat with the owner and chef of the now veteran in the Kits restaurant business to ask what it is that makes them the best in Kits, and what’s new in the neighborhood.

huevos rancheros

In a community that is stereotyped as strictly vegan, kale and wheat grass fed, Abigail’s doesn’t shy away from adding locally produced meats, cheeses, and other savoury ingredients in their ever changing brunch specials and charcuterie evening offerings. In my opinion, after a night out we could all use some good ol fashioned bacon with our wheat grass!  I was intrigued when speaking with James Iranzad, Owner of Abigail’s, that they don’t spend on PR, Marketing or Social Media to boast about selecting locally farmed meats or designing their menu around in season, organic offerings from our backyard. Money well saved I’m thinking as the lines clearly show, the food speaks for itself.

cinnamon bun french toast

We also took some time to gossip about what’s happening on the changing Yew street strip. With the popularity of The Local it has helped with the foot traffic in the neighbourhood. As we blogged about earlier Karv closed their doors after some mixed feelings from the residents nearby. James shared the good news, that before the end of the year we will be seeing an Oyster Bar taking over the prime corner space. Perhaps our very own Rodney’s for the kits crowd.

For Abigail’s fans you will see a seasonal update in the menu shortly but the platform on good quality comfort food will remain consistent. Abigail’s is also smartly hopping on the mobile food movement with Cartel Taco which will be rolling around the city starting May 1stof this year. Although primarily stationed in the Hamilton/Dunsmir intersection you will find Cartel Taco at Kitsilano and Jericho beach from time to time this summer.

Last modified: April 11, 2011

One Response to " A Closer Look and Taste at Abigail’s Party "

  1. Chris says:

    Whoa! No offense but with a comment like “In a community that is stereotyped as strictly vegan, kale and wheat grass fed…” what time warp have you popped out of?
    The vegetarian/hippie days of Kits are so far in the past that I’ll bet a majority of current Kits residence are not even aware they existed.
    As for Karv closing due to the locals not wanting later hours? Plain and simple they were mediocre at best,and later closing times would not have changed their fortunes.
    Looking forward to an interesting oyster bar concept in that space but would have preferred to see Abigails take it over.