Pig Out late night at Refuel


P.I.G. Out at Refuel Restaurant

On Wednesday, April 27th Refuel Restaurant is hosting the Spring version of their late night P.I.G. Out.

P.I.G., which stands for Pig.Industry.Gathering, is a late night feast served family style at communal tables, often attended by cookers, servers, other members of the restaurant biz and pork fans in general.

Refuel is at 1944 West 4th Avenue. The P.I.G Out costs $59 (incl.tax, gratuity and cask beer from R&B Brewing Co.) and gets underway at 11:00pm.

Tickets can be purchased at Refuel from 11:30am – 10pm daily and must be purchased in advance. Dinner is served at 11:15pm sharp, so don’t be late.

Last modified: April 24, 2011

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