Do your part to control unwanted rats in Kits


Following the citizen-reporting of rats at Kitsilano Natural Foods store (2696 West Broadway) October 5, the owner/operator of the grocery store has been ordered to provide rat-proof food-storage bins and improve the store’s pest-control measures.  All potentially contaminated food was also discarded. Health inspectors did note that the problem was not a full infestation and that they will return to inspect the premises.

Rats in Kits are nothing new to long time residents but the story highlights the need for everyone to do their part in controlling the rodents, such as clean up debris in your yard, ensure garbage is in tightly closed bins, keep compositors clean and in a tight fitting rat proof bin, avoid sitting water around your home or dripping taps, elevate lumber off the ground floor, and avoid leaving junk, furniture, and other items leaning against your home or in your yard.

Read more about this story and watch the video: Rats caught on tape eating food in Kitsilano grocery store (with video)

Kitsilano Natural Foods, 2696 West Broadway, 604-738-0326

Last modified: October 12, 2011

2 Responses to " Do your part to control unwanted rats in Kits "

  1. Bill Barilko says:

    If you want to control rat populations support your local Coyote.

    FWIW-my lumbar only touches the ground @ certain times in certain positions-you should try it sometime.

  2. Taraneh says:

    We always enjoy a good pun over at! Thanks for exposing that typo with such wit. I’m tempted to create another opportunity.