“Neon Vancouver, Ugly Vancouver” on at the Museum of Vancouver


Flying pigs. Smiling buddhas. Owls carrying take-out. Curling seahorses. Colliding cars. Are these bright beacons of Vancouver business garish or charming?

The Museum of Vancouver’s latest exhibit, “Neon Vancouver, Ugly Vancouver,” tackles the city’s historic neon debate, placing our new found nostalgia for neon in the context of past criticism.

Do neon signs add glamour or detract from Vancouver’s natural scenery? Stroll on over to Vanier Park and check out the exhibit. Then make the call.

Neon Vancouver/Ugly Vancouver events

Neon Vancouver/Ugly Vancouver runs Oct. 13, 2011-Aug. 12, 2012. Tickets are $12 for adults and entry includes curator talks if you time it right. Joan Seidl, director of MOV collections and curator of the exhibit, will give a talk and tour of the exhibit on Dec. 3.

Museum of Vancouver, 1100 Chestnut St., Museumofvancouver.ca

Last modified: November 4, 2011

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