Urban Outfitters is coming to West 4th & Yew


When Le Chateau recently closed at 4th/Yew, I started to fantasize about all the things this wonderful space might become. I even had a dream where it had become a cool, artsy wine bar frequented by many of my friends and neighbours. But my dream will not become a reality. Posters went up yesterday confirming rumours that the space would soon house boho American clothing and home decor chain Urban Outfitters.

My lack of enthusiasm about this news was tempered by a shriek of excitement from an early 20-something woman so loud it startled my four month old into tears. Clearly some people are very excited by the news. Rumour has it the store is slated for an April 2012 opening.

What were you hoping for the former Le Chateau space at West 4th and Yew? Are you an Urban Outfitters fan?
Urban Outfitters, 2199 West 4th (opening soon), Urbanoutfitters.com

Last modified: January 24, 2024

5 Responses to " Urban Outfitters is coming to West 4th & Yew "

  1. Phil says:

    My take:
    …I even had a dream where it had become [a cool, but ultimately unsustainable business that would likely close in a year or two, due to this niche being currently filled in the Kitsilano neighborhood].
    But my dream will not become a reality.
    Posters went up yesterday confirming rumours that the space would soon house [a profitable, popular store that will provide a lot of value for Kits residents and offer more economic stability for it’s future employees.]

    AMIRITE? 😉

  2. Minnow says:

    Corporations are in the business of making money, which means their styles may not be as authentically hip as they would have you believe, yadda yadda yadda, you know this drill. Hipster Walmart Urban Outfitters has been particularly stonewashed with controversy all year: accusations of stealing Etsy artisans’ work, getting busted jacking up prices for simple art, perpetuating the idea that a $70 T shirt is acceptable, among others. Now the company’s co-founder and chairman Richard Hayne is taking heat from Jezebel for giving donations to everyone’s favorite Google bomb, Rick Santorum, causing Miley Cyrus to tweet: ”every time you give them money you help finance a campaign against gay equality.” We don’t get political here at Brokelyn, but we just think you should know where your money is going. It’s not to keep these shirts on the shelves, fyi.

  3. nicole says:

    i’m actually excited to see a larger store going in kitsilano, only because it’ll drive more traffic to the area and hopefully bring back more businesses to fill the endless vacant storefronts. However, I’m not overly excited that it’s Urban Outfitters, but i’ll admit i’ll be excited if they have a home/apartment section in their store.

    I would have been an awesome spot for a unique restaurant though… oh well.

  4. Anonymous says:

    i second phil! there are already lots of unique restaurants in the area!

  5. Chezz says:

    Corporate retailers are slowly taking over the neighborhood as the small business can no longer afford the rent. Just look at the number of for lease empty stores along 4th ave!