Refuel shares its secret for buttermilk fried chicken


Refuel sous chef Paul Langins gave the Georgia Straight (and readers) the secret to the West 4th Avenue restaurant’s fried chicken, which appears on the menu on Fired Chicken Fridays. $18 gets you 3 pieces of chicken plus jalapeno biscuit, gravy and slaw. In summer, the deal gets better with summer takeaway baskets with 6 pieces for $35. Or you can borrow Refuel’s tips and whip up a batch at home.

Refuel starts with quality, free-run, locally-raised chicken. They marinate in buttermilk for a week then cook the chicken “sous vide” for eight hours. Chicken is then dredged in a spice flour mixture before another buttermilk bath, then flour etc. Finally, it’s fried in beef tallow.

Read more about Refuel’s fried chicken, and other Vancouver restaurants’ fried chicken here. Since I don’t spend a week on any one dinner, perfect fried chicken seems to be an ideal instance for me to benefit from economies of scale spend $18 out.

1944 West 4th Ave., 604-288-7905,

Last modified: March 12, 2012

One Response to " Refuel shares its secret for buttermilk fried chicken "

  1. CB says:

    This’ll be a nice souvenir of ReFuel as the restaurant is gonzo as of March 24 to be replaced by a new chef/owner and concept.