Vancouver park board to vote on food carts and public naming


The Vancouver park board is voting on two exciting measures today: public input on park names, and food carts in Vancouver parks by summer 2012.

Public naming of parks

Currently, the park board uses a three-step process to name its parks. The new streamlined process, if approved, would replace the naming committee with a web-based public engagement process “to generate, support and discuss name ideas.” The final decision would still be made by the board itself. Read more in Michael Aynsely’s Openfile coverage here.

Food carts in parks

When it comes to food carts on parks by summer 2012, the Vancouver park board is set to vote on a food cart pilot program. If the vote goes through, food carts will appear in highly-visible, trial locations this summer including the info booth in Stanley Park, Bloedel Conservatory in Queen Elizabeth Park and next to the Burrard Marina in Kitsilano’s Vanier Park.

If the pilot program is a success, Vancouver may just get food carts at sports fields in the near future too.

Last modified: March 26, 2012

One Response to " Vancouver park board to vote on food carts and public naming "

  1. City Observer says:

    At the last minute, Vision Vancouver pulled the controversial, anti-democratic, politicized park renaming motion off the agenda.

    The food carts motion passed, which is all well and good.

    As for the meeting itself, both the Park Board Committee meeting and the official Park Board meeting itself devolved into an untoward display of hubris, intemperate remarks, bullying, ill humour, name-calling and all-around bad behaviour.

    All very unfortunate. We should expect better from our elected officials.