Charges Laid Against Peeping-Tom in Kitsilano


The CBC is reporting that a month-long police investigation has led to charges against a man accused of being a peeping tom in Kitsilano.

46-year-old Michael Timascheff faces three counts of voyeurism and 15 counts of prowling at addresses spanning the ten blocks south of West 6th Avenue and six blocks west of Macdonald Street.

“These charges aren’t all that common,” said Vancouver police Const. Lindsay Houghton. “That’s why we encourage people, if they see anyone suspicious in their neighbourhoods late at night, walking through homes, doing things unexplained, looking in windows, that sort of thing — call us immediately, we would love to send officers to investigate.”

The prowling charges cover a time period from February 24th to March 10th. The voyeurism charges allegedly involve the unlawful observing of two separate individuals and one couple.

Timascheff’s next court appearance is set for June 18th.

Last modified: April 18, 2012

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