Great Blue Herons return to Kitsilano Beach and Spanish Banks


I can’t help enjoying bird watching. I know I’m in good company: it’s one of the world’s most popular hobbies. It will also get you teased. But so what? What’s a little ribbing compared to the majesty of a great blue heron with 2-metre wingspan in flight?

The great blue herons are out and about at Kitsilano Beach following their March-April breeding season. I’ve seen dog walkers stop to quietly approach and snap a quick pick. You can’t miss the regal silhouette. Or the harsh, throaty croaks.

Herons are also known to hang out in colonies -aka a heronry. There were seven herons standing together at low tide at Spanish Banks yesterday.

There should be even more heron sightings this summer, particularly in July and August, when the young leave the nests and follow their parents to feeding grounds to learn to to hunt and fish.

Have you had a memorable great blue heron sighting? Share by commenting. You can also add a photo by uploading to your Flickr account and using the tag kitsilanoca

Last modified: April 29, 2012

4 Responses to " Great Blue Herons return to Kitsilano Beach and Spanish Banks "

  1. Alyson says:

    You’re definitely in good company 🙂
    Thanks for sharing this.

  2. ex-Kitsie says:

    The blue heron rookery next to the Stanley Park tennis courts is the largest known rookery on the west coast. There are about 75 huge heron nests in the tree (it’s fenced off underneath for obvious reasons).

  3. Bill Barilko says:

    How can they return when they never left?

    Go to the beach often?

  4. Taraneh says:

    Thanks for the enthusiasm and the Stanley Park tip. @Bill: Thanks for checking. I walk the beach twice a day and the sightings pick up around this time of year.