Want to green the Westside? One day left to apply for a Neighbourhood Small Grant


NEIGHBOURHOOD SMALL GRANTS: Big things come in small grants.

Support Vancouver’s push to be the Greenest City in the world by 2020!

Grants of $50 – $1,000 are available for projects that benefit Vancouver’s Westside community. Groups of neighbours can come together for bike maintenance workshops, seed banks, gardening initiatives, sharing ideas on eating well and much more.

It’s fun and easy: Apply for your own small grant and encourage your friends, family, neighbour sand strangers to apply for a small grant too! Click here for the online application form. Decisions are made by a group of dedicated Westside residents who volunteer with the Neighbourhood Small Grants resident committee.

Projects must address the Greenest City Action Plan goals through one or more of the following priority areas:
– Making businesses greener or creating green jobs.
– Growing and eating local food.
– Making buildings more energy efficient.
– Promoting greener forms of transportation.
– Creating zero waste.
– Mitigating climate change and breathing clean air.
– Improving access to nature and planting trees.
– Conserving drinking water.
– Reducing our ecological footprint

Application deadline: Friday MAY 25, 2012 by 4:00pm

Join our Facebook NSG event page. Or for more information, contact Julie Rieter at julier@kitshouse.org, call 604-736-3588, or visit us at 3683 West 4th Avenue (at Alma).

Last modified: May 24, 2012

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