Woman with trowel: Ghouls in the garden


I love Hallowe’en. It is my favorite seasonal event. Everyone is excited and happy, it involves candy, and most of the adornment takes place in the garden. Autumn shades of dark and orange complement pumpkins and various night creatures, all of which gather together for a final celebration before the serious business of wet fall and winter.

Here are a few images, with ideas for transforming your front garden into some place very scary:

Lawns make an ideal spot to set up a graveyard for emerging zombies… I wouldn’t leave the cedar needles on the grass for any longer than a few days.

Dying, still colorful foliage accents pumpkins and rubber rats. Amsonia hubrichtii is exceptional at this, as the leaves turn a stunning apricot in late October. Hostas are also good.

Obelisks can be used to support giant skull spiders, allowing them to climb… Many garden features with height can be repurposed at Hallowe’en to help move the visuals upward. Nothing says creepy like the thought of something falling on your head.

Small trees by the pathway can hold down ghosts and other forms of spookiness. Maple leaves add color and the branches get bats and witches up at face level for maximum impact.

Ghoul heads with breezy blond hair fit (lead image above) perfectly among tall stands of Karl Foerster grass. I love our girls pictured here – my husband made their hair from horse hair and if we get a windy night, they really make an impact.

Happy Hallowe’en, everyone.

Photo credit: M. Brehaut.

Last modified: November 2, 2012

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