Hell’s Kitchen to host Whiskey Rave, Nov. 7


Hell will freeze over before a Hell’s Kitchen event fails to sell out. So if you’re keen on whiskey, get your tickets now for the second annual Whiskey Rave, Nov. 7.

Last year, Hell’s threw their first whiskey bash in order to introduce Kits’ residents to the bar’s expanded whiskey list. This year, the list is even longer. Try 30 international whiskeys and a limited edition Buffalo Trace Whiskey Ale by Parallel 49, brewed especially for the festivities. The party is sure to get out of hand with a complimentary Maker’s Mark Sour for ever guest.

$30 also includes live jazz and beats by DJ Chris Rockwell. There are only 130 tickets to be had. Email sean@hells-kitchen.ca to get yours.

Hell’s Kitchen, 2041 West 4th Ave., 604-736-4355, Hells-kitchen.ca

Last modified: October 26, 2012

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