Contest: Win $50 to Hip Baby by sharing a kids blog topic idea!


Kitsilano has a reputation for having “yummy mummies.” I googled it. From Lonely Planet to  North Shore News, the references abound. As a new mother myself, I’d like to think all that the overly cute labeling means is that Kitsilano is a family-friendly place. I enjoy all the stroller action happening on Kits Beach. And there’s no shortage of well-stocked baby stores on West 4th, such as Hip Baby, Crocodile Baby and TJs Kids Store.

In our latest contest, we’re calling on Kitsilano parents to share a kids blog topic idea. The topic can cover any aspect of parenting in Kitsilano! Winner gets a $50 Gift Card to Hip Baby – purveyor of organic toys and clothing, as well as handy meal time and bath time products. Hip Baby also boasts the largest assortment of in-store cloth diaper brands in Vancouver.


Submit a parenting/kids blog topic by:

1) Commenting on this blog

2) Commenting on our Facebook post.

Winner drawn Monday, Nov. 5 ! Thanks to Shop West 4th and Hip Baby for making this contest possible!

Hip Baby, 2110 west 4th Ave., (604) 736-8020,

Last modified: November 5, 2012

16 Responses to " Contest: Win $50 to Hip Baby by sharing a kids blog topic idea! "

  1. Nicole says:

    Places to go when it’s raining
    Places to go when it’s sunny
    Places that are free/inexpensive
    Family friendly restaurants
    Posts about West Side Family Place, Kits House, Kits Community Centre and what they offer

  2. Harjot says:

    – Impact on childhood development when raising kids in Kitsilano. i.e. Raising them in a small condo with no yard and yet being able to take them to a wide variety of places on foot. My brother is raising his two kids in Edmonton in a more “traditional” environment. They have a large house and a large yard but they have to get in the car to get to places. Any data or anecdotes on the benefits or drawbacks of raising kids in a condo in Kits?

    Other suggestions:
    – Strategies/suggestions/concerns around the affordability or availability of daycare in the area.
    – Suggestions on when and how to prepare for preschool and kindergarden.

  3. Antje Ellermann says:

    – Family-friendly restaurants in Kits. Is there a fun, healthy kids’ menu (other than mac’ n cheese and pizza…)? If not, is the kitchen prepared to give kids smaller half-price versions of adult dishes? Does the restaurant provide crayons and colouring sheets? High chairs? Changing tables? Is the noise level (music/TV) okay for smaller kids?

  4. Natalie says:

    Things to do in Kits by age group. I found a ton when he was only a year or two, but it seems more limited now that he’s 3. Ie.1-2yr olds, 3-5yr olds, 6-10, etc

  5. Areta says:

    Kids fashion trends! Perhaps some of the coolest pieces from Hip Baby!

  6. Margarita says:

    Birthday party activities on a rainy day (e.g. Rocky Mountain Flatbread Co pizza-making, St. James Community Center gymnastics space). Or, restaurants for allergy-sensitive kids (and their parents).

  7. Alice says:

    Fun activities for moms with their kids in Kits. I heard there is a new kids yoga place that’s just opened up. It would be great to write about how you can share your life with your child but still be able to do the things that you want in your life.

  8. Sheila says:

    How to take the bus with a stroller, including etiquette (ie. seniors & disabled have first priority; always call out to the driver before your stop that a stroller is coming off) and safety tips (always back off using the front door).

  9. Holly says:

    – Pre & post-natal fitness options. I went to Bare Fit and Pregnant in Kits before and after both of my kids were born and it was great! I know there are other stroller fit options as well.

    – Library programs. There’s Man in the Moon, Baby, Toddler & Preschooler storytime, and you can get your child their own library card that has no late fees!

  10. Xing says:

    Family friendly restaurants and cool kid-friendly menu items!

  11. Juls says:

    I second Harjot’s idea for a blog. What is the impact of raising kids in a condo with Kits beach as your backyard, vs a house in the burbs with a fenced in yard. Where I grew up in Abbotsford every kid in the class lived in a house, only the poorest in the school lived in an apartment. My 3 nephews are being raised in Yaletown in a condo and they have the most enriched, cultured life. As far as where to take them to eat, ANYWHERE, just start when they are small so they learn how to relax at a table, and don’t worry if everyone once in awhile you get a dirty look from some child hating adult. I like to take the nephews to pub like atmospheres where minors are allowed until 9, The bimini, local, wings, hapa, tons of good eats in Kits where the adults are loud too, it’s never been an issue.

  12. Carolyn says:

    I would love to see a feature on clothes, from maternity wear (since Kits has some of the only maternity shops around), to best buys for infants, toddlers, growing kids etc.

  13. hello to all and thank you for sharing such wonderful blog ideas! you’ll find our blog here:

    and we have a monthly newsletter that often speaks to some of the ideas requested, like restaurants, indoor rainy day activities, etc.

    wishing you all good luck for the prize!

  14. Taraneh says:

    Thank you to all the parents and to Hip Baby and Shop West 4th for the prize. Fantastic ideas. I hope to see them all develop into a blog on our site.

    We drew the winner at random. The gift card goes to Holly. Please send me an email ( with your details so I can send you the prize.

    If any mum or dad out there is interested in blogging about parenting topics for, I’d love to hear from you. Just email.

  15. Congratulations Holly!

  16. Holly says:

    I won! How exciting! Thanks to and Hip Baby for the contest! Looking forward to shopping at Hip Baby soon!