Get a free gingerbread scone at Cobs Bread, Nov. 16


I’ve heard there’s no such thing as free lunch. But have hope. There is such thing as a free snack. Get a free gingerbread scone at any Cobs Bread location tomorrow, Nov. 16, from 3pm to 5pm.

The treat is one of Cobs’ newly launched holiday products, available until January 2. “This scone is made with finely chopped candied ginger, white chocolate chips and a hint of gingerbread spice,” says Cobs.

After you inhale it, check back in and let us know what you think. I’m a Terra Breads girl, myself.

If you care to check, here’s the nutritional info.

Cobs in Kits

Cobs Bread, 2320 West 4th Ave., 604-714-4070

Cobs Bread, 2837 West Broadway, 604-714-0917

Last modified: November 15, 2012

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