Hell’s Kitchen closes doors for good



Hell’s Kitchen closed doors two weeks ago surprising regulars. The popular restaurant has had a good 10-year run at 2041 West 4th Avenue. We called owner Sean Gregory to get the scoop, but so far, we haven’t heard back. In the meantime, it’s easily confirmed by strolling by and checking out the “For Lease” sign. The Hell’s Kitchen sous chef is now cooking up Sunday Brunch and the restored Kings Head Inn.

If you have any more info, post a comment and let us know.

Last modified: January 24, 2013

15 Responses to " Hell’s Kitchen closes doors for good "

  1. Anthony says:

    Not just the “For Lease” sign… http://imgur.com/h3Hw1PV

  2. Taraneh says:

    Wow! Heard some rumours to that effect.

  3. Kits Food says:

    It is good they closed…Their food sucked.

  4. sully says:

    Before everyone else starts to slander and defame my friends I would like to say that there is probably more to the story. For one, with the number of ‘for lease signs’ up on 4th ave it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand that the rent is way to high. The economy in BC is on a downward spiral and anybody who has worked in the restaurant industry or owned a business will understand that there is a threshold and it would seem that hell’s kitchen is a casualty of a number of factors; The NHL Lockout lasting as long as it did, high rent and corporate establishments moving into the neighbourhood like Ceili’s and the Donnelly Group’s Bimini dance club across the street re-opening (after the insurance claims came through from ‘the fire’) not to mention that the Hell’s Kitchen building is slated for demolition as another condo building is going to be going in there soon. So I’m sure the decision was hard as nobody was around at Christmas or the hockey season that didn’t happen, but feel free to continue to slander my friends with your twitter pics without knowing the whole picture. I actually thought the food was pretty good for the cost. Its not like it was a high end breakfast. It was a pub/tavern/bar.

  5. Bill Barilko says:

    Sully-if your ‘friends’ stiffed the staff the landlord and their suppliers they are Grade A Assholes as per the sign.

    Blaming all and sundry for their lack of business expertise and ethics and refusing to take responsibility makes you look as sleazy as they are.

  6. Sully says:

    Hey Bill. Before you post comments about things you know nothing about why not dig a little. One, the sign was posted from inside the building by the land lord who apparently raised the rent from $13K to $22-23K a month for a building that is to eventually be demo’d. The owners are well known in the industry and are hard working guys. And Anthony I personally think as a writer for Kitsilano.ca it’s in bad taste to post a link of a pic that is libalis and rumourville and gossip. It’s a beef between the owners and the landlords and from what I’ve read the vendors and staff were paid they just chose not to renew the lease at that outrageous rent.
    Read the comments before you judge.


  7. Sully says:

    Oh and Bill Barillko no need to apologize for calling me and my friends sleezy. By seeing your handle I can tell your a leafs fan and have a lot in your mind seeing that we’re only a few games in and your guys aren’t even going to make it into the playoffs…. Again. There is always next year and the year after that and the year after that…. Are you guys ever going to make it into the post season. I guess you need our goalie though. Hmmmmn.

  8. AJ says:

    I got the gnarliest food poisoning there this summer. Never been so sick in my life. Needless to say, I won’t miss it.

  9. Chezz says:

    The food was bland, horrible – glad to see it gone

  10. timmy says:

    thanks to our inept government, selling us out to the highest bidder, it has pushed real estate to absurd levels and all the creative types are leaving the city, as they cannot afford it. 4th avenue has changed from a funky, interesting neighborhood, to a soulless, rich, shopping area, with young materialistic 20 somethings who love to shop

  11. Devore says:

    Wow, Bill…. do you have any idea how a business is operated? When you are having financial difficulties, you do everything you can to keep the place running as long as you can, hoping for a turnaround. Then you just run out of money and close the doors. This means there is often no money to pay your current bills (hence, closed doors). If you think this stuff is so easy, why don’t you open your own business and tell us all about it.

    Personally, I liked Hell’s Kitchen, it was a good take on the pub. The fries were awesome, the veggie burger yummy, drinks generous, and a good atmosphere all around. I look forward to the latest condo abomination that will be built at the location.

  12. Bill Barilko says:

    “Blaming all and sundry for their lack of business expertise and ethics and refusing to take responsibility….”

    Even to the point of using internet shills to harass anonymous commentators-sleaze is as sleaze does.


    Hey Bill Barilko,shut your fucking pie hole and quit commenting on something you know nothing about you fucking GOOF!

  14. V Z says:

    I understand about the restaurant business, because I have one. Work 15 to 18 hours a day, 7 days a week and end of the month all money go to rent even I don’t have staff expect my partner work with FOC. Finally 95% of restaurant business are work for landlord and government taxes, except 5% those who are doing the business in own building. Good thing I can eat my food every day:)