Yarrrr! Trader Joe’s Loses Lawsuit Against Kitsilano’s Pirate Joe’s


trader-joes-pirate-joes-lawsuitGood news for Kitsilano fans of Trader Joe’s triple ginger snap cookies, pumpkin butter, chocolate covered potato chips, and other products that have given the US chain cult-like status. As we have previously blogged about, Trader Joe’s had taken Pirate Joe’s and its owner, Michael Hallatt, to court, alleging trademark infringement and false advertising. TJ’s also argued the Kitsilano shop was hurting its brand.

Yesterday, a Washington state judge dismissed the case, meaning Pirate Joe’s can continue to operate the Kitsilano-based store legally. There is no word on whether or not Trader Joe’s will appeal the decision. For the time being (as they said in New York Daily News) the lawsuit is in Davy Jones’ Locker.

Read more here: http://www.globalpost.com/dispatch/news/the-canadian-press/131004/us-judge-dismisses-case-against-bcs-pirate-joes

Or here: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/world/arrr-trader-joe-loses-suit-canadian-pirate-joe-reselling-goods-article-1.1477884

Photo credit: Paul Chinn/AP

Last modified: October 8, 2013

One Response to " Yarrrr! Trader Joe’s Loses Lawsuit Against Kitsilano’s Pirate Joe’s "

  1. S. Morris Rose says:

    Seems pretty clear that the only folks damaging the Trader Joe’s brand is… uh… Trader Joe’s.