6 Kitsilano Bars with Halloween Events & Specials



Looking for a place to hide from the sugar-crazed trick-or-treaters this Halloween? With over two dozen pubs and bars in the Kitsilano neighbourhood, there is no shortage of watering holes to choose from and to disappear into. Try one or more of the six listed below, all featuring specials and/or hosting a Halloween party.

6 Kitsilano Bars with Halloween Events & Specials

1. Colony Bar
Formerly the old Kits Billiards, locally owned Colony Bar opened less than a year ago. It has an inviting, airy space and enough HD screens to show all your favourite sports at once. Thursday’s special: $3.50 Pilsners and $4 shots of Jack Daniels. Prizes for best Halloween costume.
Colony Bar, 3255 West Broadway, (604) 559-6070, Colonykits.com

2. The August Jack
Kitsilano’s newest tapas bar, pairing food and craft beer with expert precision by Chef Curtis – a beer aficionado. Thursday’s special: 1/2 pound of BC Read Island mussels for $5.
The August Jack, 2042 West 4th Avenue, (604) 428-0075, Theaugustjack.com

3. Darby’s Pub
Darby’s has been a Kits favourite for 3 decades. Over 20 beers are on tap including Vancouver’s Parallel 49 Salty Scot ale and Howe Sound Pumpkineater ale. Thursday’s special: $12.95 Roast Fraser Valley Porchetta (pork roast) and $6.75 double highballs. Halloween trivia games, live music, and prizes for best Halloween costume.
Darby’s Pub, 2001 Macdonald Street, (604) 731-0617, Darbyspub.ca

4. Local
With a south surf-inspired menu including Baja Fish Tacos, this casual summer hangout is just as good during the cooler months. Everyday specials include $4 glasses of wine while late night specials include $4 poutine.
Local, 2210 Cornwall Avenue, (604) 734-3589, Localkits.com

5. Regal Beagle
A friendly, old-fashioned watering hole with a strong crew of regulars. On Thursday, they’ll be joined by revelers when the Regal throws a Halloween bash with draft specials, DJs, live music and a $200 prize for best costume.  No cover.
Regal Beagle, 2283 West Broadway, (604) 739-0677, Thebeagle.ca

6. Rowan’s Roof
Tucked away on the second floor is a friendly lounge serving Indian-fusion comfort food alongside live jazz & blues. Thursday’s special: Gourmet Pizzas for $10 (try the house special Tandoori Pizza) and pitchers of beer are $15.
Rowan’s Roof, 2340 West 4th Avenue, (604) 733-0330, Rowansroof.ca

Last modified: November 1, 2013

3 Responses to " 6 Kitsilano Bars with Halloween Events & Specials "

  1. Richard says:

    How come ‘The Fox’ Party on Oct 31st at Lola’s has not been mentioned yet its in Kitsilano too? Lola’s will be celebrating ‘the fox’ by the wildly popular youtube sensation Ylvis. Checkout the event page at club zone – http://bit.ly/thefox13. This will be a good one.

  2. Richard says:

    Lola’s will have Dj Dinero, $3.50 Beer, Tequila and Hiballs on Thurs Oct 31st

  3. Taraneh says:

    You’re always welcome to add an event in the comments section. Or submit a story idea in advance. Here’s how: https://www.kitsilano.ca/about/