Behind the Scenes in New Kitsilano Juice Bar Krokodile Pear


KrokodilePear_5A couple of weeks ago, I had the opportunity to go and visit the new Kitsilano juice bar Krokodile Pear.

The owner Nick Lewis chatted with me about the concept, and showed me how to make some cold-pressed apple juice (which goes into their blends)!

Why is it called Krokodile Pear?

The name Krokodile Pear is a play on words for the term Alligator Pear (avocado).

Why did Nick decide to open Krokodile Pear?


Nick decided to open Krokodile Pear because he wanted to open his own business. Owning a business for himself would be more rewarding than his previous job. He wanted to make a juice bar that was inviting, and not intimidating to people who wouldn’t normally be familiar with organic cold-pressed juice.


There are many delicious juices on the menu.  Since they opened up, the favourites so far have been:

1. Capilano Smoothie:  Cucumber, Celery, Beets, Apple, Pineapple, Lime Juices then blended with Ice, Avocado and Banana!

2. Pacific Spirit: Kale, Spinach, Parsley, Cucumber, Celery, Apple Lime and Ginger Juices.

Nick came across his custom blends through trial and error. His favourites are the Kicking Horse Shot, Capilano Smoothie and the Jericho!


I got to taste a tasting flight, here is what it includes and the order in which you drink it.


1. Shot of Black Diamond {GREENS}: Kale, Spinach, Parsley, Celery.

2. Shot of Kicking Horse {Brace Yourself, and DON’T SIP}: Ginger, Lime, Cayenne. —>This one is really good for fighting the flu bugs!!

3. Shot of Savasna: Cucumber,Orange.

4. Shot of Amazing Laughter: Apple, Lime.


Krokodile Pear uses all organic fruits and vegetables, so that you get good nutrients into your body and not bad chemicals. They use local organic fruit when possible. The big draw: owner Nick Lewis has designed a clever system to keep his cold-pressed juices on tap. So you don’t have to wait around in a long line.

You should go visit them, and tell them that the Little Locavore sent you!!


Krokodile Pear, 1867 West 1st Ave, Kitsilano,

Last modified: November 5, 2013

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