Polar Bear Swim Vancouver 2014 Breaks Record


Vancouver Polar Bear Swim

Photo credit: vanevents.goodnewsweekly.ca

Crazy or brave? Perhaps encouraged by the relatively balmy weather, a record-breaking 2,550 folks rang in 2014 by taking a dip in the Burrard Inlet for the annual Vancouver polar bear swim which takes place every year on New Year’s Day. The English Bay water temperature was 8C; the air temperature was 6C. The new record eclipses 2,246 participants in 2011.

Last modified: January 2, 2014

One Response to " Polar Bear Swim Vancouver 2014 Breaks Record "

  1. Jibran Qazi says:

    Last year I got a chance to record this from my English Bay apartment. It is so much fun to watch but I didn’t have the guts to go in. I hope next year 2015 I can do it. Props to who did 🙂