Seeks a New Biking Blogger


bikeCycling is a hot topic in Kitsilano, especially with all the hullabaloo over the Kitsilano seawall bike path. We’re looking for a hot-blooded, devoted bike commuter to tackle the issues that arise biking in Vancouver. Blog topics can range from general bicycle-themed issues, to current events, gear and meet-ups.

Requirements: A passion for cycling. A strong opinion.  A clear voice. A knowledge of bicycle gear and routes. A commitment to blogging every two weeks.

Email us if you’re interested. It’s first come, first served. And thanks to our former biking blogger Anthony Floyd for a terrific two years! 

Last modified: February 5, 2014

2 Responses to " Seeks a New Biking Blogger "

  1. Greg in Kits says:

    Good riddance, Anthony.

    Editors – please consider a replacement who is not incapable of seeing/reporting on more than one side of the serious issues facing Kits commuters, pedestrians and cyclists. HUB has their own website, and many of my tax dollars, already.

  2. S. Rose says:

    Anthony is going to be hard to replace- he was a deep thinker who took the not insignificant time to do things like read, understand, and analyze planning documents and put them into local perspective. I’m going to miss his posts. Kits needs a voice like that.

    If you are reading this, Anthony- thanks for your service.