6 Fun & Easy Halloween Costumes You Can Throw Together at Home



If you’re hunting for an Elsa costume, we’ve heard the Disney Store at Metrotown might still have a few. However, they’re going fast, so give the store a call before you go. If you can get away with something other than Elsa then we’ve found six fun and easy Halloween costumes you can make in under an hour.

Six Fun and Easy Halloween Costumes to Make at Home

Lamb: Simply stick cotton balls all over a white onesie or t-shirt, throw on a pair of black tights or leggings and finish off with two black socks glued to a hat or headband for ears.

Olaf: This clever costume just needs a white sweat-shirt with three black paper circle buttons and two sticks for arms, and a white baseball cap, decorated with black eyes and a carrot or orange paper cone for the nose.


Paperbag Princess: Wear a t-shirt and leggings for warmth, don a paper bag or make a dress from brown postal wrapping paper and add a crown made from yellow or gold cardboard to back-combed hair.

paper bag

Moose: Just dress in brown from head to toe and glue two cream gloves to a brown hat or hood for antlers.

Bag of Jellybeans: Cut leg holes in a clear plastic dry cleaning bag. Fill the bag with coloured balloons and then tie the top of the bag loosely with a red ribbon at the neck and complete with a Jelly Belly sign.

jellybeanScarecrow: Layer a long sleeves t-shirt over a baggy plaid shirt, throw on trousers or overalls and top with a straw hat. Then stuff the sleeves, ankles and neck with straw. Check in Dollar and Classic Gifts or Superior Dollar stores, both located on Broadway for raffia or buy some Alfalfa at Tisol pet Supplies on Arbutus.

  • Disney Store, Metropolis and Metrotown, (604) 434-0621
  • Dollar and Classic Gifts, 2881 Broadway W, (604) 737-4244
  • Superior Dollar Store, 3287 Broadway, (604) 569-3196

Last modified: October 14, 2014

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