4 Date Night Ideas in Kitsilano


Mezze at Nuba

Mezze at Nuba

This weekend, take out that shy classmate, a new love met online, or your forever flame, and stay close to home in Kitsilano where there are many options for great date nights. Here we have four date night ideas for you that all incorporate a place to dine with an activity to partake in. As a bonus, you’ll only have to find and pay for parking once as each restaurant is within easy walking distance to the activity.

4 Date Night Ideas in Kitsilano

1. For fresh newbies

Browsing through many-a-hand-clutched paperbacks, bestseller hardcovers, and other unique reading materials at Pulpfiction Books on West Broadway could surely help in getting to know one another just a little bit better. Afterwards, cross the street and discuss your found treasures over a plate of hot and cold mezze at Nuba – an authentic Lebanese taverna.

2. For haven’t-quite-moved-in-together couples
One of our favourite date night hot spots is the moody Baru Latino on Alma Street with low lights, fantastic Latin American dishes, and oh-so-good wines. Then, hop next door into one of the last video stores on earth – Limelight Video, and take home a rental or two to finish off the night in comfort on the couch together. Limelight stocks new releases on DVD, oldies on VHS, and some obscure foreign titles that you won’t want to miss out on.

3. For fatigued parents
The typical date night out doesn’t have to be boring. Wood-fired Italian pizza paired with lush red wine at Novo on Burrard Street will ease conversation. Then pick a smart comedy or thrilling drama at Fifth Avenue Cinemas, just down the street. Have loads of popcorn for dessert.

4. For budgetless dating veterans
A relaxing walk before or after dinner refreshes the mind and calms the soul, doesn’t it? Especially along an almost empty stretch of beach with stormy waves and atmospherically grey tones. Try Kits Beach followed or preceded by some sea-worthy food at the lovely Japanese Octopus Garden on Cornwall Avenue. Ask to sit in the boat for some added romantic fun.


Last modified: November 5, 2014

One Response to " 4 Date Night Ideas in Kitsilano "

  1. Our bartender has reported to us that Kits Ping Pong Social Club is the place to take a Tinder date on Thursday nights. The club runs every Thursday night from 8:30 – 11:30 in the upper level of the Billy Bishop legion. It’s a licensed club so daters can get a drink, play some games and enjoy a quiet chat in the candle lit lounge.