Where to Gather for Remembrance Day in Vancouver


Image: Adrian Wyld / THE CANADIAN PRESS

In recognition of Remembrance Day, honouring the contributions and sacrifices that Canada’s Veterans have made, the City of Vancouver will host the following events on November 11, 2014.

Where to Gather for Remembrance Day in Vancouver

Generation to Generation Ceremony + Lighting of the Cauldron

8:30am on Tuesday, November 11
Jack Poole Plaza, Vancouver Convention Centre

As the cauldron comes to life, a senior veteran will hand over Canada’s flag to a member of the next generation of veterans, acknowledging the continuing service and loyalty of Canadians from generation to generation. The cauldron will stay lit until 11:00am.

Ceremony and Parade at Victory Square

9:45am on Tuesday, November 11
Victory Square, West Hastings St between Cambie and Hamilton

The program begins with a 15 minute performance by the Vancouver Bach Youth Choir and Sarabande starting at 9:45am.

At 10:00am veterans, military marching units and bands will be led to Victory Square by the Vancouver Flag Party. The cenotaph ceremony starts at 10:30am. A combined performance of “Sands of Kuwait” by the Vancouver Fire and Rescue Service Band and the Pipes and Drums of the Seaforth Highlanders of Canada will be featured.

At 11:00am the Last Post will be sounded. There will be two minutes of silence, during which a 21-gun salute by the 15th Field Artillery Regiment will be heard from Portside Park. Rouse and Lament will follow. The Royal Canadian Air Force will conduct a fly-past moments later, weather permitting. The enduring “In Flanders Fields” will then be sung by the Bach Youth Choir and Sarabande followed by the traditional placing of wreaths at the cenotaph.

Parade route

At 11:30am the Remembrance Day parade of veterans, brass bands, pipes and drums, Canadian Forces units and Cadets, will begin marching west on Hastings and take the salute while passing the reviewing stand. Veterans will continue on Hastings and disperse. The remainder of the parade turns north on Richards, east on Cordova, and south on Cambie and salute the Cenotaph while passing Victory Square.

Additional Ceremonies throughout Vancouver

Remembrance Day observances will also take place in different communities throughout the city on November 11.

Where When
Memorial South Park Cenotaph
41st Avenue and Windsor Street
CRAB Park at Portside 10:30am
Japanese Canadian War Memorial in Stanley Park 10:40am
Grandview Park
1657 Charles Street at Commercial Drive
Royal Vancouver Yacht Club
3811 Point Grey Road
(can be viewed from Hastings Mill Park)
Chinatown Memorial
Keefer at Columbia streets

Last modified: October 9, 2016

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