Target Canada Disaster: Brand May Pull Out of Canada after $2.1 Billion In Losses



Have you made the pilgrimage to Target Canada only to find the prices aren’t that low and the stuff isn’t that great? You also may have noticed that the shelves are empty – Target Canada has been dealing with insufficient inventory issues. Whatever your complaint, you’re not alone. After $2.1 billion in losses since its involvement in Canada in 2011, when Target bought out 133 Zeller’s stores, Target may be ready to call it quits in the Canadian market. Newly appointed Target CEO Brian Cornell, former Walmart exec, will make the announcement about major business changes February 25. Retail analyst Brian Sozzi wrote in a MSN Money post that Target may sell its worst performing locations to Walmart.

What is it they say? Expect less, pay more?

Did you shop at Target Canada over the holiday season? What are your thoughts?

Last modified: January 8, 2015

One Response to " Target Canada Disaster: Brand May Pull Out of Canada after $2.1 Billion In Losses "

  1. S. Rose says:

    Canada is the graveyard of retail empires.