Kitsilano Welcomes Vancouver Running Co.


Vancouver-Running-CoKitsilano’s newest running store’s focus is simple: We are runners. We are Vancouver.

Vancouver Running Company was created by Rob & Becky Smith and born out of a desire to celebrate the beautiful urban and natural environment that is Vancouver.

According to their launch blog post less than three months ago, “We wanted to create a running company that placed as much importance on post run beers as it did on training hard for personal bests. A brand with style and simplicity that was built on friendships and the stories we create together in this community”.

Located at 1886 West 1st Avenue in Kitsilano’s Yorkville, Vancouver Running Co. is stocked with hard-to-find athletic lines that strike a balance between style and functionality, like Pacific Northwestern women’s wear brand Oiselle and Ciele Athletics, whose UV-protective running hats fly off of shelves.

Vancouver Running Co.’s husband-wife owners also offer yoga and group runs, making the shop feel like a little community of its own.

The VRC Flight Crew meets for group runs every Thursday leaving the shop at 6:15pm, returning at approximately 7:30pm. Routes are 8-10km and include a mystery interval session halfway. With a slow, medium, and fast run leaders, this is a non-competitive, no-drop run that is open to everyone.

If you’d like to add a little stretching to your workout, check out VRC’s weekly yoga sessions with Yogi Carolyn Anne Budgell from 6:15pm to 7:00pm on Wednesdays.

VRC also offers a Sunday run/yoga combo once per month. The morning run leaves the shop at 8:00am and is followed by a 45 minute yoga class at 9:00am. The maximum yoga class capacity is 15 and there is a $10.00 drop in fee. Confirm upcoming dates and pre-book by emailing or calling 778-379-8599.

Last modified: July 2, 2015

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