KitsFest Sports Festival Returns to Kitsilano Beach This Weekend


Image: KitsFest

Image: KitsFest

KitsFest, the annual Kitsilano sports and healthy living festival, is back at Kitsilano Beach this weekend, from Friday, August 7 to Sunday August 9. The event includes sporting events in tennis, basketball, beach volleyball, zumba and even sunset yoga. You can check out the full schedule here. Heads up, sunset yoga takes place today at 8:30pm.

We have a soft spot for KitsFest because the festival founders, Ron Putzi and Howard Kelsey, plug so much money back into Kits Beach park improvements. They financed the popular Kits Beach basketball court upgrades. They played a lead role in facilitating the recent Kits Beach palm trees donations and the Kits Beach tennis court renovations and will continue to help enhance other similar Kits Beach-related initiatives.

Future upgrades planned for the entire Kitsilano beach area include The Kitsilano Showboat and other sports and arts related enhancements.

KitsFest 2015

When: Friday, August 7 to Sunday, August 9

Where: Kits Beach – Arbutus Street and Cornwall Avenue

For more information and to see the full schedule, visit

Last modified: August 7, 2015

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