Make Friends and Eat Well at Kits Thanksgiving Potluck Dinner, Oct. 11


Image: Sustenance Festival

Image: Sustenance Festival

In need of turkey day plans? Head to Kits Thanksgiving Potluck, October 11 for a hearty Thanksgiving dinner. The event is hosted by  Kits Village Vancouver and LocoMotoArt . Everyone’s welcome, but there’s limited space!

The location is near the beach – details sent to guests who RSVP.  The kitchen will be open starting at 2 pm for anyone who wants to come by and prepare their food in the company of others and/or help with setup. They’ll eat around 4:30, and everyone’s welcome to hang out afterwards. The party is expected to run until 9pm. Collaborative clean up.

Cost: $12 suggested donation/person to cover the cost of free range turkey, tofurkey, and other servings; $5 for kids. No one turned away for lack of funds. (16 participants max.)

RSVP to or on the Village Vancouver website, and they’ll be in touch with you regarding what to bring.

Last modified: October 9, 2015

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