Bike Rage in Kitsilano – Pregnant Kits Woman Alleges Assault by Cyclist


Image credit: Google Street View

Image credit: Google Street View

On Friday evening, October 9th, Mandy Pappas was walking to the Henry Hudson Elementary School in Kitsilano to cast her advance vote for the upcoming federal elections. As she was crossing the street at the intersection of Cypress Street and York Avenue (a four-way stop with newly added bike lanes), a man riding a bike sped through the stop sign without stopping and nearly hit her.

Pappas, who is five months pregnant and a mother of a two-year-old daughter, yelled at the cyclist at which point the cyclist turned around and came back at her. Pappas alleges assault. The cyclist, after the story went viral, turned himself in and responded with a strange explanation of his return to confront Mandy, and subsequent flight from the scene. See the full story here from CTV News.

While this story is currently exploding, I have to say that Mandy is not alone in her experience with a cyclist in our neighbourhood. Although I’ve not had any cyclist ever turn on me, I have witnessed many cyclists not obeying the rules of the road, especially stop signs and roundabouts. And too many times have I been in near-collisions with those cyclists who whizz past me while I’m walking with my two young daughters.

Readers, what are your thoughts and experiences with cyclists (or other vehicles) and stop signs in Kitsilano?

Last modified: October 14, 2015

2 Responses to " Bike Rage in Kitsilano – Pregnant Kits Woman Alleges Assault by Cyclist "

  1. Sully says:

    I live on York Ave which is apart of the greenway path plan that is now a reality. My street is now a straight shot down hill with no stop signs, so now not only cars speed the 4 or 5 blocks down the street but so the bikes. And if you try and cross the street or get in a car they are like ninjas because you don’t hear them coming at all. I spoke at city hall and asked for speed bumps because everyone is going too fast, but as someone who cycles, walks, drives and takes transit, this whole entitlement of because I’m on a bike I’m taking the lame as a writer once wrote just shows you how much they don’t always share the road or obey the rules and its high time that VPD start enforcing them.

  2. Min says:

    Here is one of the cycling routes riding up to Burrard bridge. Cyclists usually sped up to gain momentum. Unfortunately it is also beside school and residences.
    I saw several cases of collisions between cyclists already. Here the practical rule is Cyclists First.
    Driving or walking near cyclist is really riky.