Have Your Say On Where Vancouver Puts Public Bike Share Stations


Vancouver Bike ShareIf you live, work, or play in and around downtown Vancouver, you’re invited to suggest a station site for Vancouver’s new public bike share system.

The launch of the public bike share system this summer will include 1,000 bicycles and 100 stations. An additional 500 bikes and 50 stations will be added by the end of summer 2016. The initial service area will include the Downtown Peninsula, bounded by Arbutus Street, 16th Avenue, and Main Street.

Public bike share stations will be located at popular destinations near where people work, study, shop, dine, and play.

Stations will be spaced every two to three blocks on streets, sidewalks, plazas, parks, and private property within the service area.

“Public bike share will be a big boost for Vancouver’s active transportation system,” said Mayor Gregor Robertson. “This is a great opportunity for people to have their say for where bikes are most needed for short trips and to help us fill the gaps in our existing network.”

Simply go to vancouverbikeshare.ca and pin a location on the map to make a suggestion.

Last modified: April 1, 2017

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