Have you seen the humpback whale in Kits?


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There’s a humpback whale hanging around Vancouver, and many of the whale sightings have been in Kits. Most recently, the whale was caught on video breaching in the waters around Point Grey. He or she has also been seen breaching near a kayaker at Kits Beach.

Humpback can live to be up to 50 years old and grow to be 15 metres in length. Currently, there are about 40,000 humpback whales in the world’s oceans. The humpback  whale has been feeding near Vancouver over the past two weeks as it migrates north for the summer. Humpbacks are fairly commonly seen this time of year in the Strait of Georgia and in Howe Sound, but are rare in English Bay – where there is much more human activity to ward them off.

Let us know if you spot the gigantic visitor during these decadently warm, summer-like days we’re enjoying. Happy beach time, Kitsos.

Last modified: April 19, 2016

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