Mobi Bike Share Passes 100,000 Rides Milestone


kitsilano mobi bikes

Vancouver’s Mobi bike share program hit a significant milestone last week after passing the 100,000 rides mark.

Comparable cities with similar or larger-sized bike share systems have passed 100,000 rides in anywhere from two to nine months; Vancouver’s program reached that milestone in just three months. A “ride” is defined as taking a bike from one station and returning it to another station.

“In just three months we hit our 100,000 rides milestone proving that Mobi has quickly become a popular transportation choice for Vancouverites,” says Mayor Gregor Robertson.

“With 50% of trips in Vancouver made by walking, cycling and transit, Mobi is being used just as we expected – for short, one-way trips that make our active transportation network more convenient and fun.”

In Kitsilano there are 11 Mobi stations along Arbutus and Cypress between the beach and West 16th, as well as two stations at Vanier Park. The Mobi website includes a live map of stations and available bikes and open docks at each.

Annual memberships start at $129 and monthly and day passes also available.

Last modified: November 1, 2016

One Response to " Mobi Bike Share Passes 100,000 Rides Milestone "

  1. gb says:

    …and if you believe this, I just happen to have a bridge for sale.