The West 4th and Macdonald intersection is set for a significant transformation as redevelopment projects introduce new low-rise, mixed-use buildings.

A major change will occur at Darby’s Public House and Liquor Store on the southwest corner, bringing a modern, cohesive streetscape to this vibrant part of Vancouver.

The new building at Darby’s corner, designed by Arcadis Architects, will span nearly 56,000 square feet with a floor area density three and a half times the lot size. According to Daily Hive, the project will combine retail, residential, and commercial spaces, supporting demand for urban living in Kitsilano.

With three out of four corners at this intersection slated for redevelopment, Kitsilano is embracing compact, pedestrian-friendly urban spaces that maintain its character while accommodating growth.

Last modified: November 13, 2024

4 Responses to " West 4th and Macdonald Intersection Set for Modern Makeover "

  1. M Kerr says:

    Misleading headline. How is a 3rd development “leading”?
    Also, “slated for development”? Two of the three developments are months/years ahead of the Darby site.

  2. says:

    Thanks for the feedback. Title updated.

  3. Eric A. Smith says:


  4. Francie says:

    The real Kitsilano is the ‘ol Kitsilano with beautiful 70 to 100 yrs old design homes (many still standing and seniors own their homes).

    Kitsilano has been overrun by Developers tearing down homes as soon as an elderly passes away. The children who live afar, have one option, to split the inheritance and close the door once and for all.

    Many seniors, recently retired, struggle to live in Kitsilano as affordability becomes less, due to high inflation costs. Many produce stores and Ma & Pa stores have closed in recent years. It’s a struggle for restaurant owners to keep up with increasing costs on building leases and business licensing.

    NOT YET in Kitsilano > are the young, urban, upper middle class singles and couples who have disposable income. Where do you see all the fun things to do in this community? Our Hollywood theatre closed down a long time ago. Selective entertainment has developed there. The Darby Pub (icon) is going to be demolished after 60 years in the neighbourhood. St James Hall has recently had a face life but kept the beauty of the building. Thank you for not tearing it down.

    DEVELOPERS build for upper middle class people and push away middle class working people, the younger generation and seniors.

    Our Kitsilano is a mess right now. On every second block there is another home or two demolished. Several intersections are under construction. Yes, some have been vacant and we do need more housing. But it’s AFFORDABLE housing for the working class and families that we need.

    Welcome to Kitsilano. I’m a senior but can not retire at 70 because of inflation costs and we own our own home.