Kitsilano Votes Vision


Well, who didn’t?

Obviously Robertson garnered large amounts of votes everywhere, but it is interesting to see the US style election map and its clear divisions (click on the map for a larger version, map courtesy of the City of Vancouver).

What’s also interesting is that while US candidates typically at the very least carry their home-state, the “Kitsilano Kid” failed to win in his own ‘hood. From the CBC:

The results of individual polls show the vote split along clean geographic and socio-economic lines, with Vision taking the mayoral vote in East Vancouver and Kitsilano, and the right-of-centre NPA sweeping the more affluent westside neighbourhoods and some polls in South Vancouver.

Last modified: November 16, 2008

2 Responses to " Kitsilano Votes Vision "

  1. Bill Barilko says:

    You might want to re-do your blog entry, the data as given shows that Robertson did indeed win Kitsilano, which is defined as north of 16th to the waterfront, west of Burrard and east of Alma.

  2. Erik V. says:

    That’s exactly what the post says. “Kitsilano Kid” refers to Ladner, who *failed* to win in this neighbourhood.