Zest offers up Japanese nouveau


ZestIt didn’t surprise me to see another Starbucks pop up at the new Brickyard retail development at West 16th and MacDonald. But I was a little surprised to find the best little Japanese restaurant I’ve come across in a long time. Vancouverites are spoiled when it comes to sushi. And while Zest Japanese Cuisine does a great job of that too, it was the rest of their menu that impressed me. I’ll be back to sample more of the unique menu, but after one visit I can recommend the fluffy chili prawns, panko-crusted stuffed pork fillets, and deep fried banana dessert.

This room is very zen with a slick interior punctuated by slate green micro-suede tall-back bench seats. There was no shortage of staff when we cruised in at 6pm but it became evident when we finished up that this room has become popular with discerning Westside diners as their wasn’t a seat to be had.

Last modified: September 23, 2005

One Response to " Zest offers up Japanese nouveau "

  1. Great Japanese says:

    I went on the weekend and this is an awesome restaurant. Be sure to try some of their tapas like Rob says. Great service too!