Protestors occupy Kitsilano Coast Guard Station


As a 24-hour sit-in to protest the closure of the Kitsilano Coast Guard Base ended yesterday and organizers said no one from the government or coast guard management has responded to an invitation to visit the base to hear their concerns.

Starting at 5:00pm Friday a handful of coast guard members, union leaders, and sympathizers occupied the base in protest. David Clark, a vice-president with the Union of Canadian Transportation Employees, was among the group and when interviewed by a CTV news crew he said that “we will not allow them to close this space. This space will stay open”.

The federal government plans to close the base next spring, but employees and some members of the public have vowed to stop the closure.

The protestors have promised to not interfere with Coast Guard personnel staffing the base.

Photo: Les Bazso, PNG

Last modified: September 16, 2012

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