Woman With Trowel: Spring Giveaway – Win a Hellebore & $50 to the Natural Gardener


Helleborus Harvey Hybrids. Photo credit: M. Brehaut Helleborus Harvey Hybrids. Photo credit: M. Brehaut

With Daylight Savings Time newly in place for another season, spring is very close. In anticipation, we are having a giveaway. Up on offer is one of the two hellebores shown, and a gift certificate for $50 to the Natural Gardener Garden Store. If you are new to gardening, you might spend the money on a pot, some soil and a trowel so you can plant your new hellebore. If you are an experienced gardener, perhaps Bob has something in his store to excite you. Either way, the winner decides which hellebore is selected.

How to Win

So how do you win? It’s easy – just add a comment to this article and tell us what you like the most about spring in Kitsilano. It might be the sight or scent of your favorite spring plant, perhaps a memory triggered by the added light of the longer days: you tell us. A comment will get your name into the hat. I’ll make the draw Friday, March 15. Then I will add a comment to the article, identifying the winner.

Helleborus niger 'Snow Frills'. Photo credit: M. Brehaut
Helleborus niger ‘Snow Frills’. Photo credit: M. Brehaut

More About Hellebores

Hellebores are low maintenance all season plants. The leaves look great for most of the year and the late winter blooms are harbingers of a new season. They work in the shade but can easily manage half sun. Of the two available, one is a bigger plant and the other is a bit more rare.

So leave a comment if you think you have a spot for a hellebore, and good luck.

Last modified: March 14, 2013

23 Responses to " Woman With Trowel: Spring Giveaway – Win a Hellebore & $50 to the Natural Gardener "

  1. Kiri says:

    I love the cherry blossom flowering at my balcony level and the return of the finches and hummingbirds. Also the many coloured crocuses, jonquils and daffodils springing up along the pavement.

  2. Xing says:

    I love hanging out on West 4th Avenue on a non-rainy spring day and walk around and dine out with my wife without carrying an umbrella!

  3. Deborah Foss says:

    Love the Cherry blossoms! I am sure I can find room for a hellebore πŸ™‚

  4. Danielle says:

    The cherry blossoms on Stephens Street!

  5. Lindsay says:

    I love the first few warm, sunny days when you can leave your jacket at home.

  6. Ruth says:

    I like the fuzzy catkins best I think, though there’s a special place in my heart for daffodils.

  7. Areta says:

    I love walking around Kitsilano with a fruity cold drink on a warm Spring day.

  8. Kate says:

    When my husband and I got married we didn’t have a ton of money for a fancy ceremony. We ended up holding our service under a huge, in full bloom cherry blossom tree down by the Maritime Museum. Now whenever I see spring cherry blossoms I think of that day and smile.

  9. Kathy Smith says:

    Spring in Kitsilano is the multitude of crocus and snowdrops planted in peoples lawns and gardens…such a breath of fresh air and the end to a long rainy winter!

  10. KayKay says:

    The thing I look forward to the most is walking along 4th ave with the cherry blossums and a stroll along kits beach

  11. Nabila Harjee says:

    I would say it has to be Cherry Blossoms! I love when they form a canopy over the street. Makes me so happy! πŸ™‚

  12. Tracy says:

    i love the cherry blossoms by the beach… it is an amazing and short-lived sight!

  13. Laura S says:

    I love the days getting longer, and the chance to get outside and start beautifying my little apartment patio with spring flowers!

  14. Krista Smith says:

    Spring in Kitsilano is stopping to exclaim over every crocus and daffodil with my two-year old daughter!

  15. The longer days means I can get out to Kitsilano beach to watch the sun set…. πŸ™‚

  16. Tomah says:

    Putting our patio back to good use!

  17. Antje says:

    The first excitement of spring is when our hellebore in the back yard starts to open up. I then walk around Kits looking for different varieties of hellebores with my 5 year old daughter.

  18. Theresa L says:

    I love seeing all the front yard gardens come to life!

  19. Judi says:

    I love the happy daffodils πŸ™‚

  20. Nicole says:

    I love sprucing up my otherwise dreary balcony with some new flowers! It makes having a beer on the patio much more enjoyable πŸ™‚

  21. Jude says:

    Excitement seeing shoots pushing out from raspberry plants, lilac tree buds forming, crocuses in full bloom….

  22. Linda says:

    All the vibrant greens in people’s gardens.

  23. Meredith says:

    Congratulations to Xing, the winner of the draw. Thanks to everyone who participated and shared their favourite bits of spring. Xing, I have emailed you with details for prize pickup.