Granville Island Launches Weekly Farmers Market Starting This Thursday, June 6


Photo credit: hanspetermeyer.caPhoto credit:

Since the 1970s, the Public Market on Granville Island has been Canada’s most iconic food market. When the sun shines, the market featuring Fraser Valley-grown plants and produce spills outside to Triangle Square creating one of the city’s largest farmers markets.

The Granville Island Farmers Market is held every Thursday from 9am to 3pm through September. To me, the market really gets good in July when BC’s berry season is in full swing. In the meantime, enjoy asparagus, rhubarb, apples, salad materials, radishes, carrots and other seasonal veg. Gardeners will appreciate the flower selection both for planting and hanging. Pies, tarts, granola bars, cookies and macarons complement the stalls of leafy greens and flora. Locally-handmade terrines, condiments and artisanal chocolates make ideal travel or hostess gifts for friends and family.

Don’t forget the best bit about the Granville Island Farmers Market: heading straight to the docks for a picnic.

Last modified: June 10, 2013

2 Responses to " Granville Island Launches Weekly Farmers Market Starting This Thursday, June 6 "

  1. Laura says:

    What time does the market run on Thursdays?

  2. Taraneh says:

    9am to 3pm.