Top 15 Kitsilano Businesses on Twitter


We’ve expanded our Top Kistilano Businesses on Twitter list to 15 thanks to your suggestions.

It’s great to see so many local retail businesses tapping into Twitter as a local marketing and communications tool.

Here’s the Top 15 according to our quick & dirty research:

  1. Fuel Restaurant – @fuelrestaurant – 1,191 followers
  2. Zulu Records – @zulurecords – 844 followers
  3. Broadway Wine Shop – @broadwaywine – 694 followers
  4. Pebble Baby Store – @pebblebabystore – 620 followers
  5. U The Life Accessory Store – @ulink – 595 followers
  6. Crocodile Baby Store – @crocodilebaby – 497 followers
  7. 49th Parallel Coffee – @49thparallel – 459 followers
  8. Elysian Coffee – @elysiancoffee – 409 followers
  9. Frocks Modern Bridesmaids – @ilovefrocks – 343 followers
  10. Bloom Essentials Spa – @bloomessentials – 237 followers
  11. Hanaya Forever Flowers – @hanayaflorist – 209 followers
  12. Skyler Clothing – @skylerclothing – 176 followers
  13. Kits Wine Cellar – @kitswine – 138 followers
  14. Maenam Restaurant – @maenam – 121 followers
  15. Textura Salon – @texturasalon -115 followers

Add any we’ve missed to the comments section below or direct message us at @Kitsilano.

Last modified: August 12, 2009

6 Responses to " Top 15 Kitsilano Businesses on Twitter "

  1. stephen says:

    would you consider Lululemon a Kits business, long time flagship store on West 4th n all?

    If so, 10,531 followers.

  2. Last time you did a post like this our # of followers spiked up sharply. And it will probably happen again.

    In short, please do more posts like this.

  3. Rob says:

    @stephen Fair enough – we’ll get Lululemon on the list for the next update on August 15th.

  4. Spaghetti says:

    How about Quattro on West 4th? @quattro2611

  5. We look forward to the August 15th update = )

  6. Hello Kitsilano Community,
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    Bella Pizza Hemlock St
    Open 11:00am and evenings
    604 732 6565