2010 RV Camp approved for Westside


rv-on-jerichoThe Vancouver Parks and Recreation Board voted last night in favour of a controversial plan to allow motor homes to park at Jericho Beach and Spanish Banks during the 2010 Olympic games. The board voted 4-to-1 in favour of the plan, which will allow about 365 motor homes to call the Westside home during the games.

The campers will be charged $95 a night for one of 110 spots at Jericho Beach or one of 255 at Spanish Banks. If all 365 spots are filled during the Games, the plan could make more than $400,000 in profit. The RVs can roll in two days before the Olympic games start February 10th and stay until March 2nd.

Public opposition had been mounting before last night’s vote. Phyllis Tyers, president of the North West Point Grey Home Owners’ Association, wrote the board and Vancouver mayor on behalf of the group, citing a lack of public consultation with residents. Tyers says residents are concerned about the commercialization of park land through a private RV company, noise from shuttles and garbage trucks, and the eyesore of 365 RVs in their neighbourhood.

Last modified: July 21, 2009

3 Responses to " 2010 RV Camp approved for Westside "

  1. Peter Morgan says:

    It’s not $400,000 ‘profit’; it’s $400,000 gross revenue — the amount of money before expenses are paid, and that’s just a guess. Anyway, the Parks Board doesn’t make a profit — it’s a non-profit organization. It can, on rare occasions, generate a surplus. Break-even for park board (as opposed to the contractor supervising the lots) in this project is about 35% occupancy.

  2. Mathman says:

    @PeterMorgan Gross revenue would actually be 21 nights x 365 spots x $95 = $728,175.

    So $400K in profit sounds about right after paying expenses related to managing the rentals, shuttles, electricity, and garbage removal service.

  3. Bill Barilko says:

    I wonder how power, water and sewage will be provided to those hardy souls?

    It’s a huge undertaking to provide those services and I can see this being an immense boondoggle.