There are more than a few non-yogis in Kitsilano!


This summer I, like many women around my age, finally succumbed to the siren song of lululemon.  I still can’t wrap my head around $80 sweatpants, but I have found many great sale items that I wear again and again.  The company has had its fair share of controversy, including its ties with a sketchy-sounding “human-potential encounter group.”

Notwithstanding the fact that founder/CEO Chip Wilson is sort of a nutcase, there is something, nay, many things, to be said for the glorious effect of lululemon tops on the female form.  Let’s just say it will be hard for me to go back to wearing normal shirts (with an actual bra, no less!) as the summer fades into autumn.

I tried yoga years ago and was informed by the instructor that my elbows were double-jointed.  Not knowing how to respond, I thanked her.  She curtly advised me that this was not a good thing.  So maybe, like me, you prefer urban strolling to yoga, but still support the idea of sustainable clothing at least purportedly manufactured by fairly treated/paid workers.  Think about stopping in at OQOQO, lulu’s streetwear-minded sister store upstairs on West 4th.  Their clothes are made from soy, bamboo, and hemp with a bit of forbearing lycra thrown in here and there.   Just the ticket to start the new season off on the right foot, especially if said foot will never again touch the cold, unforgiving hardwood of a yoga studio floor.

Last modified: January 17, 2009

5 Responses to " There are more than a few non-yogis in Kitsilano! "

  1. Morgan says:

    Interesting info on the cult-like tendencies of Lululemon. I will never look at those mantras the same way! Though I will continue to wear my buttercup yellow scuba hoodie religiously…..

  2. bah! says:

    “This summer I, like many women around my age, finally succumbed to the siren song of lululemon. I still can’t wrap my head around $80 sweatpants…”

    This is the most out of touch, un-kisilano statement I’ve read in a years!

  3. Kimmy says:

    Well, I have officially received my first bad review. I can take cold comfort in the fact that it is baseless and laden with typos. Maybe I should have a glass of wine with lunch to toast the occasion.

  4. Ariadna says:

    Lululemon shorts with high heels is where it’s at ladies. Trust me.

  5. ~Jen~ says:

    lululemon makes me want to light myself on fire