Campoverde Owner seeks Conservative nomination


The owner of Kitsilano’s only ‘social club’ is seeking a nomination with the Conservative Party in the next federal election. Campoverde‘s Rachel Greenfeld believes her experience connecting people will translate into success for the Torys.

“I’ve been connecting people for years and as a business owner I feel I can do a good job connecting on a federal level,” said Rachel Greenfeld, who announced this week her run for a nomination in Vancouver Centre. “We have a database with over 20,000 people and I spend all day talking to people so I really feel I know what people want.”

Greenfeld said the daily conversations she has with members of the Campoverde Social Club, which she founded in 2001, has given her insight into important issues, both in the riding and across the country. The Kitsilano-based club on 1660 Cypress St. connects professionals through its nightly social and business events. “You learn a lot when you work in a riding and live in a riding,” she said. “And people don’t feel we have strong representation in Ottawa.”

Last modified: July 27, 2009

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