Condo Hype in Kitsilano


Vancouver Housing Market Blog is on a hiatus but there’s a new kid in town and he’s firing zingers at the crazy condo marketing machines that call Vancouver home. CondoHype calls out Kitsilano’s new FIRST on First this week and points out that not everybody lives a life of limitless leisure in Kits.

Wow. That’s great. Sounds like my day except I fit going to work in there, and minus the mid-morning latte (gotta get to work before mid-morning), epicurean delights for lunch (typically I eat at my desk for lunch while at work), and browsing unique shops (stores are usually closed by the time I get home from work). But maybe I’ve got it all wrong. Maybe this does beat the West Second lifestyle!

I’m looking forward to hearing what CondoHype has to say about Lumen’s ability to illiuminate our lives this summer.

Last modified: November 18, 2008

One Response to " Condo Hype in Kitsilano "

  1. condohype says:

    Thanks for the kind words and the link. Yeah, I’m having fun taking on the condo hype machine. I imagine I’ll be at it for quite some time… at least until I discover how to access the hedonistic pleasure dome that Vancouver is supposed to be.