Kits House hosts Final Open House on Redevelopment


On June 23rd from 6:00pm to 8:00pm the Kitsilano Neighbourhood House will be hosting its final open house on its planned redevelopment of their 2305-2325 West 7th Avenue location.

The proposal is to rezone the site from RT-8 (Two-Family Dwelling) District to CD-1 (Comprehensive Development) District which would allow for the renovation of the two heritage buildings and the addition of an infill building linking the two. The 4-storey mixed use development would include improved Neighbourhood House and Child Care space as well as 15 units of Affordable Seniors Housing with rooftop gardens and amenity space.  The proposed floor space ratio (FSR) is 1.70 and there are 6 surface parking spaces proposed.

The project addresses the core community need for Neighbourhood House Services, daycare, and affordable seniors housing. If you’re interesting in learning more, be sure to attend the Open House on June 23rd.

Last modified: June 18, 2010

5 Responses to " Kits House hosts Final Open House on Redevelopment "

  1. Basill says:

    As a neighbour I am wondering how Kits House is able to put 15 apartments, a Day Care and offices with only 6 parking spaces. Seniors have visitors, and appointments they are driven to on a regular basis. Where is the Handy Dart parking? No other project would receive this type of privilege. Why are they?

  2. Greg says:

    What is happening? It will be a neighbourhood problem if only 6 parking spaces are provided for this development. Seniors have cars and some of the employees at Kits House will have a vehicle they use in the week. I don’t think the City of Vancouver can explain this away.

  3. Bernie says:

    The parking is quite an issue right now, I am scared to think what it will be like during this construction and then the long-term affect after. 15 units, serveral Kits House staff, Day Care staff and then 25 Day care parents trying to park to get their kids in and out, also the other children’s programs and their parents,and the Handy Dart and buses to pick up and drop off seniors. How can City pass this ludicrous number of 6 spaces and City is asking our opinion on this??!! You must be joking!! They set the standards, we are all supposed to follow them, except when City is involved and they have their finger in the pie, all the standards go out the window. There should at least be one for each unit, 3 for Kits House staff, 2 for Day Care, 2 more for other child care programs – that makes at least 22 parking spaces NOT 6!!!
    Now from an esthetic point of view, the two heritage buildings are like 2 antique bookends holding up a bunch of ugly, modern books that just DO NOT fit into this project and especially in this heritage neighbourhood. What is Kits House thinking? YUK! At least make the building blend in with the heritage buildings.

  4. Greg says:

    An interesting information evening about Kits House redevelopment. There were neighbours for and against. Parking does seem to be the key issue. Are they going to stop any senior with a car from living in the complex? Perhaps they will need a coordinator to deal with parking and traffic. Too bad that 7th Ave is such a narrow street.
    The design of the building does not blend well and it certainly cannot be said to flow together, but money is probably a factor, as with most projects funded partially with tax dollars.
    The grandfather of a child that spoke passionately about the Day Care, and their upcoming permanent closure showed the collateral damage that “progress” can have. Sad to say.

  5. Kits Folks says:

    I have a hard time trusting this proposal based on what has happened at 8th & Vine with the same proposal for disability housing (those designs aren’t any better) and those families that were displaced so that they could dig a hole. Another massive hole sitting in Kitsilano for x years doesn’t sit well with me let alone the character being taken away from our neighbourhood. I’m sure that KNH has neighbourly intentions at heart but it seems that they are going about it the wrong way