Plenty of Spandex… No Where to Use It?!


With the recent and unexpected closure of the longstanding neighbourhood favourite Kits Workout I decided to take a look at what options are left for Kits residents to jump, squat and sweat it out?

Clearly the biggest player in Kits now, this is the gym I have called home for many years. Yes, it is average at best, has a lot of angry looking dudes with big necks in the weight room and shamelessly charges for almost all their fitness classes. On the upside though it is clean, the hours are great and the staff are for the most part pleasant and accommodating.

I’ve heard from new members you can get your monthly dues starting at about $30/month. This includes no specialty classes, no PT, you will have to upgrade for everything. $70/month if you want access to all the Steve Nash clubs across GVA.

This is really your only option ladies if you are looking for a guy free gym. Have spoken to a few friends that call this workout centre their fitness home and they seem to enjoy. Currently their website is advertising dues as low as $15/month. Not for me – if I can’t check out the boys while dying on the treadmill I’m not interested!

Kits Community Centre is also an option for those who really require no frills, no gimmicks. Personal training centres are popping up everywhere and some option for those who have the extra $$ to spend include Innovative Fitness (West 10th and Maple), and Momentum Fitness (West 8th and Burrard). And as we all know there is no shortage of yoga studios with four Semperviva Yoga locations in Kits, Bikrams Yoga, YogaCara and many community centre yoga programs vying for your mat time.

For a full directory of workout options in Kits click here. readers are curious to know – if you were a Kits Workout member, what option have you chosen as your new fitness home?

Last modified: November 4, 2013

4 Responses to " Plenty of Spandex… No Where to Use It?! "

  1. Karinkits says:

    Don’t forget all the Pilates studios in Kits as well, such as the Movement Studio on 4th and the Bodi Tree on 10th.

  2. Nikki Layton says:

    Thanks for the mention. For those people that are looking for a great trainer in an amazing atmosphere please give us a call. We also offer a great “Better than Bootcamp” program. Small group classes in our exclusive personal training studio.

    Give us a call at 604-732-4884 and any of us at Momentum Fitness would be happy to help you.

  3. Jane Scallon says:

    Check out iDance Studios (#3 – 302 W. 2nd Ave., Vancouver), an adult drop-in dance/fitness studio for the dancer is YOU! iDance offers a variety of classes from ballet, jazz, hip hop to Bollywood, Burlesque, Zumba – and a popular Dancer’s Body Bootcamp! No experience necessary. 1st class FREE!

    iDance… therefore i am!