High marks for Watermark on Kits Beach


Tim Pawsey of the Vancouver Courier beat us to it and reviewed Watermark for this week’s edition. Overall, I’d say he gave it two thumbs up. Here’s an excerpt, you’ll have to click through to read the rest.

If you build it, they will come. No truer words have been spoken. Even the neighbours have been flocking to Watermark (the pride or perversion of Kits Point, depending on where you stand), which is enjoying the most widely publicized opening of any restaurant in years.

Luckily, the locals know where to find the entrance to this beach front emporium, which so far lacks a sign, a glitch that needs to be fixed. There may well be no better place to welcome summer’s overdue arrival than on this expansive second floor that in great part succeeds in being all things to all people.

The mandate was ambitious: replace an out-of-date concession but somehow suggest its heritage, maintain all services within the existing footprint, make the (now two-storey building) interesting without being intrusive, respect the integrity of the surroundings, find a formula to appeal to a wide variety of tastes and budget. Oh… and make enough money to finance the six-plus million construction costs, and close to half a million bucks in rent annually.  Read on.

Watermark on Urbanspoon

Last modified: November 18, 2008

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