August 13, 2015
It will be a spectacular light show tonight with as many as 100 meteors streaking across the sky every hour, according...
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August 11, 2015
Free outdoor summer yoga is soon coming to an end, so make sure and practice sun salutations in sunlight while you can....
August 7, 2015
KitsFest, the annual Kitsilano sports and healthy living festival, is back at Kitsilano Beach this weekend, from...
August 6, 2015
Kits has loads of fun spots for easy weeknight drinks and entertainment. In fact, most of them host daily events with...
July 31, 2015
Summer is the season for free festivals. If you’ve already spent your vacation budget, check out Powell Street...
July 30, 2015
Looking for free fun for the month of August? Vancouver and surrounding cities have a lot of festivals planned to keep...
July 29, 2015
You know all about Kitsilano Farmers Market. But have you checked out the UBC Farm Market yet? Whether you need farm...
July 23, 2015
Kit & Ace, another Wilson family conception, has opened its doors in Kitsilano at 2235 West 4th. The grand opening...
July 22, 2015
The Honda Celebration of Light Fireworks competition kicks off this Saturday, July 25. Kitsilano is lucky to have two...
July 16, 2015
Cosmic Nights kicks off at the HR MacMillan Space Centre tonight Thursday, July 16 with Plutopalooza. Come along to...