January 25, 2012
I love books. Not only do I like to read, I like the smell and feel of a book in my hands. No matter how hard I try, I...
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January 24, 2012
Xoxolat—pronounced sho-sho-la—is one of Vancouver’s finest chocolate shops, luckily located in Kits at...
January 23, 2012
Happy Chinese New Year, Kits residents. We’re heading out of the rabbit hole and into the dragon’s den. As you...
January 16, 2012
Today I took part in the opening day of Vancouver’s second annual Hot Chocolate Festival with a hot chocolate...
January 15, 2012
Do you have tweens? My Tween and Me, a new program at Kitsilano Neighbourhood House, might be the thing for you....
January 11, 2012
The Westside Literacy Task Force is a community initiative to promote literacy and learning in our community. On...
January 10, 2012
Canada’s largest restaurant festival, Dine Out Vancouver, is back for the 10th year from January 20 to February 5....
January 6, 2012
According to the New York Times, the top new years resolution in 2012 is, not surprisingly, to get into shape....
January 5, 2012
The Top Ten Scams in 2012 list, recently released by the Better Business Bureau (BBB), along with the BC Crime...
January 4, 2012
On many rainy nights over the last few years, my family has made the trek to the Burgoo’s original location in...